The Farthest Object from Earth

The Voyager spacecraft is the Farthest Object from Earth, it was launch by NASA with Titan III centaur Rocket, Voyager 1 is zipping through space at 38,000 mph, is currently 11.7 billion miles from…


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3 Amazing Animal Species Where Females Reign Supreme

Perhaps we can learn a few lessons from our animal counterparts

As a male in a male-dominated society, it’s pretty easy to think that men are somehow special, that we somehow deserve our top-dog status. But that isn’t true.

In honour of all female creatures in the Universe, and a very special one I have in mind, I’d like to prove that the matriarchy is possible. Here are three marvellous examples from Nature herself, proving that girl bosses are a thing with these incredible, all-feminine leadership structures.

Happy International Day of the Girl Child, y’all!

Hyenas are not pretty creatures. But they are astonishingly effective at hunting/scavenging for food. Perhaps this is because of their leadership—alpha female. The females do most of the hunting, and leadership is handed down from mother to daughter.

What’s more, females possess something we know usually only men have—a pseudopenis is the actual scientific term.

Maybe this shows that a little more aggression will put any man in his place…

The clans of the world’s largest land animal are surprisingly female-led. The oldest, most experienced matriarch, leads the herd.

I think this is a wacky but great example for humans. Fortune 500 companies would be just as successful—perhaps even more so—under female leadership. Do you agree?

One of the most efficient ocean predators alive, orcas complete this list of girl-powered creatures. Despite their fearsome nickname and intimidating appearance…

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