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How I Accidentally Became Superhuman

Before you read this, just know I am not selling you anything. No bullshit pill or supplement or diet plan or anything. This is just real life experience. And what you can do to become superhuman too.

So I’ve spent a long time studying nutrition.

When I say a long time, I truly do mean most of my life.

I once was a very sick boy. I was extremely fatigued, to the point I couldn’t hold my head up at work. I was pre-diabetic. I was overweight. I was lactose intolerant and pretty much any food that wasn’t good for me made me sleepy and comatose. My life had spiraled as I watched my friendships fail due to my bland / lethargic nature.

That’s when I decided to change.

I did research, like we all do when we want to change. And like many others, I found diets like low-carb and low calorie for weight loss. Or Paleo and Whole30 for health. I found fad diets like Atkins and juice fasting. I read about them all and I found that each had their own merits and pieces to love.

But I was still confused. — I still had no idea where to start.

This is when the magic happened. Because I didn’t know where to start, I decided to try them all. I took a look at each diet out there and found the commonalities. I took those commonalities and compiled my own diet. What I would eventually call “The Perfect Diet”.

So I decided to examine the most popular diets to find what made them so “perfect”.

Here is what I found:

*These are broad oversimplifications of each diet to fill you in quickly.

The Paleo diet involves eating like our early ancestors. Eat real foods. Only things from nature. Seeds/nuts/berries, fish etc.

The low-carb diet comes in many different flavors. Keto, Atkins, Zero-Carb, etc. It is exactly as it sounds, you eat less carby foods like potatoes, sweets, beans, etc.

The low-calorie diet works because you eat less calories. It literally doesn’t matter how you do it. But low calorie diets are considered generally “more healthy”

The micronutrient diet is a less known diet, started by Dr. Joel Furhman. It involves eating foods that are highest in micronutrients to get the best bang for your buck.

“At its most basic level, the Whole30 program is a 30-day reset where you eliminate certain food groups from your diet that could be having a negative impact on your body. Those include dairy, added sugar, alcohol, grains, legumes, carrageenan, MSG, and sulfites.” — Ariel Knutson, The Kitchn

I couldn’t have really stated it any better than she did.

The raw food diet says not to cook your food. At least mostly. The thought is that cooking food destroys valuable nutrients that could be used to replenish your body.

The premise of the South Beach Diet is to eat slower digesting carbs so your body digests slower. It’s a commercial diet with phases and whatnot, so I’ll leave it very simply at that.

EatStopEat is just an easy way to say intermittent fasting. Intermittent fasting is a method of losing weight and becoming healthy by giving our body “rest time” where we are not digesting food so it can heal and process the food we have.

In a nutshell, here’s what I did:

What does that mean though?

A lot of things happened to me. First, my energy levels skyrocketed. Once I woke up, I was AWAKE. No coffee needed. My mood lifted. I went from drained and passive to completely engaged. During my commute to work I was actively planning my day and excited to conquer the goals ahead.

My cravings went away. I stopped wanting breads and sugars and candy. I stopped wanting milk and ice cream. I stopped wanting to stop at the local taco shop and scoop some greasy mystery meat slopped in a shell. I literally crave real, healthy food. I hope you’re as surprised as I am.

My significant other noticed my immediate changes. I was elated to see her when I got home. I stopped slinking into my house, only to grab a beer and slide onto the couch for an hour and decompress from a day of draining activity. I now come home and I’m EXCITED to cook. When’s the last time you heard about someone being excited to cook dinner?

My entire world has flipped upside down. Or should I say, right-side up.

I can now think clearly, write clearly, plan clearly. I am no longer in a funk, I have lost weight and I am piping hot and ready to rock and roll. There is no mystical goats piss I’m selling you. Just follow the instructions, trust the process and it works.

In the first 18 days I lost 13 pounds.

Let me repeat. In the first 18 days, I lost 13 pounds.


Look, I am no doctor. I am simply a regular guy who studies the body and nutrition and I decided to try this. I have no agenda. I just want you to feel as amazing as I feel right at this very moment.

Have a go at it and tell me how you feel afterwards.

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